This is a bit late but I've been really busy. Anyway, Dick Cheney (US vice-president) came and visited Australia. John Howard (Australian Prime Minister)didn't go and meet Dick's plane and didn't meet with him right away, instead he hung out with the premiers to talk about water (just as a side note, did you know that Howard was in the US on September 11th, 2001?).
Dick did give a speech and talked about how the US and Australia are 'mates' and how it's great that Australia is part of the 'coalition of the willing' (unlike those nasty Canadians who keep getting hit with friendly fire in Afghanistan and are talking about leaving).
When talking about Iraq he also said, "
The Iraqi people are on the road to establishing a viable democracy. I think given the scalre of change we're attempting here the fact that we're not finished shouldn't be surprising to anybody" (Australian, Feb 24th, pg 22). Well if this is the case why was Bush standing on that boat a couple years ago with that 'Mission Accomplished' sign?
Dick is not keen on pulling troops out of Iraq and he said, "
the only option for our security and survival is to go on the offensive - face the threat directly, patiently and systematically until the enemy is destroyed" (the Age, Feb. 24th, 2007). Whoa, this is a bit scary, especially when they have been willing to detain people who have not done anything, but they think maybe they could do something. So now they are applying that logic to invading other countries.
In an interview he did with the Australian he articulated the belief that
"a military confrontation with Iran would be a lesser evil than an Iran with nuclear weapons" (Feb. 24, 2007, pg 22). So they did learn something, don't say there are 'weapons of mass destruction' to later be proven wrong, just say that it would be crappy if they were to get some and that's enough to invade a country.