Sunday, June 10, 2007

Howard Happy with Harper for Canada's Withdrawl from the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples!

So being reported on the news here is that Howard is not that bad since Canada agrees with him. Canada is seen as a progressive country so if we agree with Howard, that means he is not entirely evil and racist (even though he is). And the international reputation of Australia is protected.

The Globe and Mail reported on June 9th that
"Canada's decision to withdraw support for the United Nations Declaration on the Right of Indigenous Peoples coincided with a visit to Ottawa by Prime Minister John Howard of Australia — a country that strongly opposes the declaration...But the United States and Australia remained staunchly opposed. And Mr. Harper walked away from his meeting with Mr. Howard believing the declaration would be problematic, the sources said...Mr. Benjamin (Craig Benjamin, an aboriginal-rights campaigner for Amnesty International) said, “You can see how important it would be to them to get a moderate state on side — a state with a positive reputation, a state that countries with much more limited technical resources were turning to for advice.”

So Harper is ruining Canada's reputation by turning us into a country like Australia. But it's ok, since that brings us closer to the Americans too. We can be like Britain and Australia, trailing after the US on their globe-trotting missions of destruction.

“The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples presents an inspiring alternative vision of collaboration and reconciliation among Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples working together to advance the rights of all,” Irene Khan, secretary-general of Amnesty International."

Sounds like the exact type of thing we want to avoid. Advancing rights....

"Mr. Harper and Mr. Howard have reportedly been fast friends since becoming acquainted at a 2005 meeting for the International Democratic Union, a forum for conservative leaders."

I didn't even know they had a forum for conservative leaders, (apparently Howard is the chair)sounds like a good time. I bet they eat endangered animals and cackle a lot. Good times....

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